Nunziare is the hallmark of the mainly residential real estate complexes developed by the Group starting from 2019.
The Nunziare real estate complexes, designed to offer the best environmental sustainability performance and to ensure the highest standards of well-being for its residents, represent a new experience of home customisation, which places the client in the center of the project.
L'innovazione per
il benessere abitativo
Cognitive building
Nunziare is the hallmark of the mainly residential real estate complexes developed by the Group starting from 2019. The Nunziare real estate complexes, designed to offer the best environmental sustainability... (continua)
LeggiFacciate antismog
Nunziare is the hallmark of the mainly residential real estate complexes developed by the Group starting from 2019. The Nunziare real estate complexes, designed to offer the best environmental sustainability... (continua)
LeggiForestazione urbana
Nunziare is the hallmark of the mainly residential real estate complexes developed by the Group starting from 2019. The Nunziare real estate complexes, designed to offer the best environmental sustainability... (continua)
LeggiProgetti Made in Italy
Nunziare is the hallmark of the mainly residential real estate complexes developed by the Group starting from 2019. The Nunziare real estate complexes, designed to offer the best environmental sustainability... (continua)